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"Business Results Through Diversity"

by Susan Moger

If you would like to know how to make a business case for diversity, this guidebook will take you through the process, step by step.

Jointly written by the Alliance of Manufacturers and Exporters Canada and the Government of Ontario, the book comes with separate workshop materials and draws on real business experience and practices to advise employers on the business advantages of implementing equal opportunity. It starts by defining diversity and why it matters to your business. It goes on to illustrate how you can assess your company's current workplace practices, policies and systems and finishes by explaining how you can develop an action plan for improved business results through diversity.

The authors have included sample policy statements on Equal Opportunity/Diversity and Workplace Harassment. There is also an example of an Action Planning Chart that is a useful organizing tool. This is one helpful guidebook! Although geared to large businesses, the material could be adapted by smaller organizations.

This guidebook, developed as an initiative under the Government's Equal Opportunity Plan, recognizes that a positive workplace is the key to making progress in the current and emerging business world. The Plan supports the efforts of employers and employees to create work places where merit is the basis of employment practices.

Susan Moger works at B.C. Ferries

Business Results Through Diversity, A Guidebook

An Equal Opportunity Partnership Project by The Alliance of Manufacturers & Exporters Canada & the Government of Ontario; 104 pages, 1997, Queen's printer for Ontario

Available from: Publications Ontario 50 Grosvenor St. Toronto Ontario M7A 1N8 416-326-5300 or 1-800-668-9938 Fax: 416-326-5317 Available in English & French $15.00 plus taxes ($20.33 in total) Workshop Facilitator's Guide $15.00 plus taxes ($20.33 in total) Alternative formats are available on request from the Ministry of Citizenship, Culture and Recreation, telephone (416) 326-9716, fax (416) 326-9725.

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